Source code for

from __future__ import annotations
import curses
import curses.ascii

from .pane import Pane

[docs]class InputPopup(PopupWindow): """ Input form creates a popup window for retrieving text input from the user :param parent: parent ui element :type: any :param header: header text of popup window :type: str :param footer: footer text of popup window :type: str :param style: style of window :type: any :param input_len: Maximum length of input text :type: int """ def __init__(self: InputPopup, parent: any, header: str = 'Alert', footer: str = 'ESC: close', style: any = None, input_len: int = 30, ): self.input_len = input_len content = [" " * self.input_len] super().__init__(parent, header, content, footer, style) self.cursor_loc = 0
[docs] def read_input(self, keyboard_input: int) -> None: """ Read process keyboard input (ascii or backspace) :param keyboard_input: curses input character value from curses.getch :type: int """ if curses.ascii.isalnum(keyboard_input) and \ self.cursor_loc < self.input_len: temp = list(self.content[0]) temp[self.cursor_loc] = chr(keyboard_input) self.content[0] = "".join(temp) self.cursor_loc += 1 elif keyboard_input == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE and self.cursor_loc > 0: self.cursor_loc -= 1 temp = list(self.content[0]) temp[self.cursor_loc] = " " self.content[0] = "".join(temp)
[docs] def toggle(self: InputPopup) -> bool: """ Toggle window and clear inserted text :return: value indicating whether the window is enabled :type: bool """ self.content = [" " * self.input_len] self.cursor_loc = 0 return super().toggle()
[docs] def get_value(self) -> str: """ Get the value of user input without trailing spaces :return: user input value :type: str """ return self.content[0].strip()
[docs]class SelectionPopup(PopupWindow): """ Input form creates a popup window for selecting from a list of options :param parent: parent ui element :type: any :param header: header text of popup window :type: str :param footer: footer text of popup window :type: str :param style: style of window :type: any """ def __init__(self: SelectionPopup, parent: any, header: str = 'Alert', footer: str = 'ESC: close', style: any = None, ): content = [" " * 40] super().__init__(parent, header, content, footer, style) self.cursor_loc = 0
[docs] def read_input(self: SelectionPopup, keyboard_input: int) -> None: """ Read process keyboard input (ascii or backspace) :param keyboard_input: curses input character value from curses.getch :type: int """ if keyboard_input == curses.KEY_UP and self.cursor_loc > 0: self.cursor_loc -= 1 elif keyboard_input == curses.KEY_DOWN and self.cursor_loc < len( self.content) - 1: self.cursor_loc += 1
def __draw_header(self: SelectionPopup) -> None: """Add the header line to the window""" self.add_line(self.header, y=0, x=1, underline=True) def __draw__footer(self: SelectionPopup) -> None: """Add the footer to the window""" f_width = len(self.footer) + 2 self.add_line(self.footer, y=(self.v_height - 1), x=(self.v_width - f_width), underline=True) def __draw_content(self: SelectionPopup) -> None: """Read each line of the content and add to the window""" for i, line in enumerate(self.content): self.add_line(line, y=(1 + i), x=2, highlight=i == self.cursor_loc)
[docs] def draw(self: SelectionPopup) -> None: if (self.enabled): super().resize(len(self.content)+2, self.v_width) if self.needs_refresh: self.refresh() self.parent.attron(self._style) self._pad.attron(self._style) if (self.border): self.__draw_header() self.__draw_content() self.__draw__footer() super().refresh()
[docs] def toggle(self: InputPopup) -> bool: """ Toggle window and reset selected item :return: value indicating whether the window is enabled :type: bool """ self.cursor_loc = 0 self.clear() return super().toggle()
[docs] def get_value(self): if self.cursor_loc >= len(self.content): return "" return self.content[self.cursor_loc]