Source code for canopen_monitor.ui.pane

from __future__ import annotations
import curses
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

[docs]class Pane(ABC): """ Abstract Pane Class, contains a PAD and a window :param v_height: The virtual height of the embedded pad :type v_height: int :param v_width: The virtual width of the embedded pad :type v_width: int :param d_height: The drawn height of the embedded pad :type d_height: int :param d_width: The drawn width of the embedded pad :type d_width: int :param border: A style option for drawing a border around the pane :type border: bool """ def __init__(self: Pane, parent: any = None, height: int = 1, width: int = 1, y: int = 0, x: int = 0, border: bool = True, color_pair: int = 0): """ Abstract pane initialization :param border: Toggiling whether or not to draw a border :type border: bool :value border: True :param color_pair: The color pair bound in curses config to use :type color_pair: int :value color_pair: 4 """ # Set virtual dimensions self.v_height = height self.v_width = width self.y = y self.x = x # Set or create the parent window self.parent = parent or curses.newwin(self.v_height, self.v_width) self._pad = curses.newpad(self.v_height, self.v_width) self._pad.scrollok(True) # Set the draw dimensions self.__reset_draw_dimensions() # Pane style options and state details self.border = border self.selected = False self._style = curses.color_pair(color_pair) self.needs_refresh = False self.scroll_position_y = 0 self.scroll_position_x = 0 @property def scroll_limit_y(self: Pane) -> int: """ Limit the scroll on the y axis """ return 0 @property def scroll_limit_x(self: Pane) -> int: """ Limit the scroll on the x axis """ return 0
[docs] @abstractmethod def draw(self: Pane) -> None: """ Abstract draw method, must be overwritten in child class draw should first resize the pad using: `super().resize(w, h)` then add content using: self._pad.addstr() then refresh using: `super().refresh()` abstract method will clear and handle border child class should also set _scroll_limit_x and _scroll_limit_y here """ if self.needs_refresh: self.refresh() self.parent.attron(self._style) self._pad.attron(self._style) if(self.border):
[docs] def resize(self: Pane, height: int, width: int) -> None: """ Resize the virtual pad and change internal variables to reflect that :param height: New virtual height :type height: int :param width: New virtual width :type width: int """ self.v_height = height self.v_width = width self.__reset_draw_dimensions() self._pad.resize(self.v_height, self.v_width)
def __reset_draw_dimensions(self: Pane) -> None: """ Reset the pane dimensions. You can change the width and height of the pane. """ p_height, p_width = self.parent.getmaxyx() self.d_height = min(self.v_height, p_height - 1) self.d_width = min(self.v_width, p_width - 1)
[docs] def clear(self: Pane) -> None: """ Clear all contents of pad and parent window .. warning:: This should only be used if an event changing the entire pane occurs. If used on every cycle, a flickering effect will occur, due to the slowness of the operation. """ self._pad.clear() self.parent.clear()
[docs] def clear_line(self: Pane, y: int, style: any = None) -> None: """ Clears a single line of the Pane :param y: The line to clear :type y: int :param style: The background color to set when clearing the line :type style: int """ line_style = style or self._style self._pad.move(y, 1) # self._pad.addstr(y, 1, ' ' * (self.d_width - 2), curses.COLOR_BLUE) self._pad.attron(line_style) self._pad.clrtoeol() self._pad.attroff(line_style)
[docs] def refresh(self: Pane) -> None: """ Refresh the pane based on configured draw dimensions """ self._pad.refresh(self.scroll_position_y, self.scroll_position_x, self.y, self.x, self.y + self.d_height, self.x + self.d_width) self.needs_refresh = False
[docs] def scroll_up(self: Pane, rate: int = 1) -> bool: """ Scroll pad upwards .. note:: Scroll limit must be set by child class :param rate: Number of lines to scroll by :type rate: int :return: Indication of whether a limit was reached. False indicates a limit was reached and the pane cannot be scrolled further in that direction :rtype: bool """ self.scroll_position_y -= rate if self.scroll_position_y < 0: self.scroll_position_y = 0 return False return True
[docs] def scroll_down(self: Pane, rate: int = 1) -> bool: """ Scroll pad downwards .. note:: Scroll limit must be set by child class :param rate: Number of lines to scroll by :type rate: int :return: Indication of whether a limit was reached. False indicates a limit was reached and the pane cannot be scrolled further in that direction :rtype: bool """ self.scroll_position_y += rate if self.scroll_position_y > self.scroll_limit_y: self.scroll_position_y = self.scroll_limit_y return False return True
[docs] def scroll_left(self: Pane, rate: int = 1) -> bool: """ Scroll pad left .. note:: Scroll limit must be set by child class :param rate: Number of lines to scroll by :type rate: int :return: Indication of whether a limit was reached. False indicates a limit was reached and the pane cannot be scrolled further in that direction :rtype: bool """ self.scroll_position_x -= rate if(self.scroll_position_x < 0): self.scroll_position_x = 0 return False return True
[docs] def scroll_right(self: Pane, rate: int = 1) -> bool: """ Scroll pad right .. note:: Scroll limit must be set by child class :param rate: Number of lines to scroll by :type rate: int :return: Indication of whether a limit was reached. False indicates a limit was reached and the pane cannot be scrolled further in that direction :rtype: bool """ self.scroll_position_x += rate if self.scroll_position_x > self.scroll_limit_x: self.scroll_position_x = self.scroll_limit_x return False return True
[docs] def add_line(self: Pane, line: str, y: int = None, x: int = None, bold: bool = False, underline: bool = False, highlight: bool = False, color: any = None) -> None: """ Adds a line of text to the Pane and if needed, it handles the process of resizing the embedded pad :param line: Text to write to the Pane :type line: str :param y: Line's row position :type y: int :param x: Line's collumn position :type x: int :param bold: A style option to bold the line written :type bold: bool :param highlight: A syle option to highlight the line writte :type highlight: bool :param style: A color option for the line :type style: """ # Fill the current screen cursor position if none are specified if(y is None or x is None): y, x = self._pad.getyx() # Set the color option to the pane default if none was specified line_style = color or self._style # Widen pad when necessary new_width = len(line) + x if(new_width > self.v_width): self.resize(self.v_height, new_width) # Heighten the pad when necessary if(y > self.v_height): self.resize(y + 1, self.v_width) # Add style options if(bold): line_style |= curses.A_BOLD if(highlight): line_style |= curses.A_REVERSE if(underline): line_style |= curses.A_UNDERLINE # Add the line if(y < self.d_height): self._pad.addstr(y, x, line, line_style)